The Historical Description of the Crucifixion of Christ – by Mr David Sipka

I will be giving a talk on the Historical Death of Jesus April 11 at 7 p.m. at St. James Church in Montague, then again on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at Evangelical Covenant Church in Whitehall. I give this talk during the Lenten season and since Wendy and I have been going to Florida in recent years I have not given this talk in a while and do not expect to give it again in the near future until Easter is later in April. The talk is a combination of the gospels, historical accounts, archaeological evidence, and physicians analyses of what Christ went through in the final 30 hours of his life. I try to get the people who attend to think of that period as if they were there observing and participating. The gospels offer a clean and concise account. I try to add the details that make you feel, see, and smell. I invite you to come to either of the talks – I don’t think you will regret it.