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Our Lady of White Lake Council 12985 |
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5149 Dowling, Montague, Michigan 49437 |
2018 – August 21st
Letter From Supreme Knight
2017 – May 13th

2017 – March 27th
This is a nice site to visit and is full of links and information about our council and the Knights organization. Please visit and use. It is your site.
2017 – March 25th
2017 – March 23rd
Sorry this has been so long, but felt it contained things which needed to get out to all of you. Please enjoy the balance of your evenings and I hope to see many of you helping and/or enjoying our 4th Fish Fry of the season, tomorrow night…
2017 – March 21st
This weekend The council with ST Thomas in Muskegon will be hosting a 2nd & 3rd Degree Ceremony this Saturday morning. I implore those of you holding out at 1st degree to consider moving up to the 3rd degree. There is so much more to learn and offer. I will be at St Thomas this Saturday morning and available to Spencer any that decide to attend. Everything starts at 8:30 am. It cost you nothing, and there is so much more to learn. I hope to see many of you there Saturday morning….
2017 – March 11th
2017 – March 10th
2017 – February 28th
- Setup – Following the Wednesday 8:30 am Mass, the hall will need to be setup for the dinners. With about 6 guys, this can be accomplished in about an hour. PLEASE – if available, please show up and help.
- Takeout Phone Line – We need another person to help cover the calls. This person needs to be there by 2:30 pm this week to learn the process, then 3:30 pm weekly thereafter through the Fish Fry’s. If interested, please call Tom Bart at 231.286.9784, or me at 231.206.3428.
- Kitchen Help – Tom still needs a few to help in the kitchen during the dinners. Please see Tom when you arrive if interested.
- Saturday Morning Cleanup – We are light on help Saturday mornings, especially this week. If you are available and can help, please contact Tom at 231.286.9784, or give me a call at 231.206.3428.
2017 – February 15th
Fellow Knights;
I just received a copy of this months minutes as taken at our February 12th Council’s Business Meeting. As many of you know, I was out of state and not available to attend this meeting. From all that I hear and see, everything appears to have gone well in my absence. For your convenience I am attaching a copy for each of your review.
I also want to remind all of you that we have our next Corporate Communion Mass scheduled for this Saturday, 5pm at St James. Please consider attending and showing your support to our council.
Following the Mass, we will be holding our annual Valentines Dinner/Dance in the parish hall. Again, I hope to see many of you in attendance…
2017 – February 9th
Greetings Brother Knights From Florida;
Well – That’s it from Sunny Miami Florida. Hoping all the weather there stays fair for all of you. See you in a week…
2017 – January 27th
I just received word today, that our brother SK JR Savoie has been released from treatment through Heartland and has returned home. He still has a ways to go, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He is also open to visitors. If you should have some open time, he would love to see you…
2016 – December 23rd
Brother Knights;
2016 – December 23rd
Brother’s –
Yesterday I gave Brother Jake a phone call to check and see how he is doing. Jake answered the phone and indicated he has returned home from the hospital and is recovering. He underwent a quadruple heart bypass and is still weak, but mending. Jake indicated he will not be able to lead the upcoming council blood drive and is looking for someone that would be willing to lead this event for him. If interested, please contact Jake at 231.894.6313. Even if you cannot help, please give Jake a call and show your support to him.
“My dad is doing well. He is still at Hackley in there long term care on the third floor at room 374. He is continuing his rehab and we might be able to get him home sometime after the New Years”
Jarrett Savoie –
2016 – December 22nd
I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying these Holy Christmas Holidays. I received the following the other day from Brother Steve Nagengast asking me to send out to all of you. Our Poster Contest is in full gear and he is in need of a little judging help at oor next meeting in January. Please read below;
Hello Worthy GK John:
I am hoping you can send this message out to all of the members of our Council.
As you have likely observed from reading our Parish’s bulletin our Council’s “programs function” has implemented a poster contest (in place right now) with the Faith Formation Youth Group. This contest is being coordinated with the Faith Formation leadership of our Parish. Each youth member has the option if they want to create a poster for the contest. If they want to compete they were supplied with poster board material two weeks ago and informed that their art work is due back to the Parish Office by January 5.
The artwork being created by the youth must reflect the theme of Keeping Christ in Christmas. There are three age categories for the contest: age 5 to 7, age 8-10 and age 11-14.
The judging of the posters will take place at 5:30PM on Sunday January 8 (one hour before our Council’s Officers Meeting at 6:30PM). I would like to have a committee of five Knights members be the judges for the contest. We need one member of the Committee at a minimum to have formal knowledge and an appreciation of art.
Art work will be judged using a 100 point scoring system:
– 30 points for the slogan – how clearly is the theme presented?
– 30 points for the visuals- how well do the visuals convey the message?
– 40 points for the overall impact- how effective was the poster in capturing your attention and causing you to reflect on the topic?
Please let me know if you would like to be considered to be on the judging committee. After receiving the names of members who desire to be on the committee DGK Dave Sipka and I will select a group of people to be the judges.
God Bless
Brothers Steve and Dave
Vivat Jesus!
John G. Duff
Grand Knight 12985 – Knights of Columbus [Montague]
2016 – December 13th
2016 – December 4th
2016 – December 3rd
2016 – December 2nd
2016 – December 1st
Brother Knights;
Yesterday I received a request from our Financial Secretary to remind all of you that our annual due are due again this month. Bill will be at the meeting Sunday night and will accept payment from any able to be there and do so. Our membership due cost this year is $30., plus the optional extra $5.00 per member. Students are $10 and optional additional $5 each. You can either send in the payment to Bill or myself, or pay him at the meeting this Sunday evening. Bill can be reached via his email at [email protected]
Next – I received a text today from Bob Hyatt asking for help with the train this Saturday for the White Lake parade. Bob is in need of help for the following;
- Unloading and reloading the train off/on the trailer.
- Decorating the train.
- Children to ride the train in the parade.
- Walkers to carry the flags and banners.
- Walkers to hand out the candy.
The train will unload in the parking lot of the old Whitehall High School at 1 p.m. The group will stage and decorate the train after unloading. The parade starts at 2pm, traveling from Whitehall, to Montague.
Please get a hold of Bob Hyatt at;
- Home Phone: 231.893.8965
- Mobile Phone: 231.750.8965
- Email: [email protected]
Also – Please do not forget the distributions for the White Lake Giving tree take place this Saturday morning at 9am. The rally will be in the St James Parish Hall. Please put this on your list of rewarding things to do. It is such a moving experience to witness and be a part of such a wonderful and worthy event. Hope to lots of you there Saturday morning helping to make a difference in some child and family’s life.
Vivat Jesus!
John G. Duff
Grand Knight 12985 – Knights of Columbus [Montague]
2017 – November 29th
Kristen, Tyler;
2016 – November 6th
A reminder to all that we have a meeting tonight. I understand many of you are very busy and require family time. I personally feel we as Knights must respect family time. I only ask as your Grand Knight that if you are available to come on down and help our council to travel in the direction YOU feel it needs to go. We are an open council and available to receive your opinions and thoughts. We meet tonight at St James at 7 pm. Come. Join Us. Become a part of our future. YOUR PRESENTS MATTERS…. 7pm, St James, Room 1. I’ll be there…….will you?????
2016 – November 4th
2016 – November 1st
I’m hoping all of you had a nice family celebrated Halloween, and are rooting for the Cubs… I wanted to briefly take a moment of your time to remind all of you of the following;
- Sunday, November 6th – 11 am Mass is our Council’s final Corporate Communion Mass of the year. Please do your best to attend this mass. I had plans of calling forward and recognizing both our Knight of the Quarter, and Family of the Quarter. Amazing as it may be, both have this week advised they will not be able to attend. I plan to still announce them to the church, and please join me in congratulation Tom Bart as our Knight of the Quarter, and Scott & Sherie Manzo Family as our Family of the Quarter. As always, please wear a shirt, sweater or tux identifying you as a member of the Knights.
- Sunday, November 6th – 6:30 pm is a Council Officer’s Meeting. All members are invited to attend.
- Sunday, November 6th – 6:30 pm is a Council Membership Meeting. All members are invited to attend. Hospitality to follow this meeting. Hope to see many of you there…
2016 – October 31st
I want to remind all of you of our council’s scheduled upcoming Corporate Communion Mass on Sunday, November 6th, 2016 – 11AM. This is our last Knights Mass of 2016, which will be followed by a small birthday celebration for Father Peter in the Parish Hall. Attached you will find a link to our council webpage which provides a list of all signed up to help at this mass. Even if you have not signed up, I am asking all of you to consider attending this Mass, and wearing your council or assembly dress. Thank you all for supporting our council this year, and I look forward to continued growth and success as we soon move into 2017…
2016 – October 27th
I received an update on JR yesterday from his son Jarrett. JR had bypass surgery yesterday and came through it well. Please continue to keep both JR and his family in your thoughts and prays, and remember to follow his journey through recovery on his webpage at; https://12985kofc.org/2016/10/
2016 – October 25th
I was happy to hear all things went well with our planned Fall Steak Fry. I have heard all that attended had a great time. One last thing to do to complete this event. Our councils charcoal grill is still setting dirty and outside. We need a couple volunteers to go up, removed the ash and clean up any utensils left dirty in the area. Once done, if you let Stan know, he will hook onto it and return it to storage. If we could get a few of you to meet there today at 3pm to do this, that would be great. Those available please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks…
~ October 15th, 2016 ~
Today, I attended the “Community Rosary Rally”, held at noon at the Montague Weathervane. This event was sponsored and supported by our council of the Knights of Columbus 12985. What a joy and an honor to be able to attend this. Thank you to Lynette Fillips for the wonderful video…
~ October 13th, 2016 ~
I added two new items to our website. First added was a page dedicated to Right to Life. The link to this page can be found in the icon section of our home page. I’ve asked our Brother Bob Hyatt to help gather and provide information to this page.
Next, I added a video clip onto the homepage of the “Year of Mercy” put together and being released soon by the Knights of Columbus.
~ October 7th, 2016 ~
As most of you are aware, for over a week now I’ve been updating all of you about the progress of our brother JR Savoie. A little more than a week ago he suffered a mild heart attack while attending adoration within our parish chapel. He was admitted to Mercy Hospital, Muskegon and placed into ICU. Sometime thereafter further complications resulted in the need to airlift him to UofM Hospital in Ann Arbor. He was placed into an induced coma and has remained in that state to this time. Upon arrival at Ann Arbor, he was placed onto special equipment provided an elevated flow of oxygen to his system. Since then the process to slowly remove him has begun and to date has dropped from 95% to 50% today. We here at council continue to keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers. We will continue to keep all of you informed as more is released by his family.
~September 17th, 2016~
Today a group of us from the council dispersed within the Greater White Lake Area, shook cans, handed our tootsie rolls and had fun raising monies for our handicapped communities and the Special Olympics. As always I want to sincerely thank my brothers of the council that were willing to give up a Saturday morning and raise these much needed funds. Jointly today, we raised just over $2500.
~September 2nd, 2016 ~
Today I finished putting together the video of our chaplain’s Homily from Sunday, August 28th, 2016 titled “He Who Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted”. Below you will find a copy of this Homily. Please take a few minutes to re-listen as Father Peter does a remarkable job and at the same time shows strong support to the Knights of the world…
~ New Direction ~
August 30th, 2016
Brother Knights;
I received the following in my Council Email this morning and wanted to post for all of you to read…
FROM THE STATE CHAPLAIN V. Rev. William J. Turner, PhD, KCHS, Michigan Columbian, July, 2016
To my brother Knights and families:
I am especially honored to be appointed your State Chaplain. These many years I have experienced the responsibilities of service to you all as a Council Chaplain and as a Diocesan Chaplain. I have been very much aware of all our good works. I have become an enthusiastic participant in our projects for the Domestic Church in Michigan.
It has been recently announced that a new direction has been proposed by the Supreme Council and fully endorsed by our Michigan bishops. It is their wish, and their direction to me as State Chaplain, that these Supreme initiatives are to be enacted and encouraged. You can be assured that it will be my goal to implement their wishes within our jurisdiction.
I know that Michigan Knights will continue to be what we have always been: in the forefront of the Order’s activities and as faithful supporters of our bishops and priests. The initiatives will be as follows:
- I am asking every Council, led by its Grand Knight, to make every activity and good work proposed a part of the ministry of the parish and under the vision of the local pastor and his direction. Knights will then become fully part of the Domestic Church and not creators of other programs in addition to the pastor’s initiatives, which could alienate them from him and his ministry. Councils with halls and chambers away from the parish grounds must double their efforts to show their priest that they are not competing ministries, but fully supporting him in what they do at their facility and by many more activities in which they participate at the parish under his direction. Supreme has called for an acceleration from a home association to a parish-based Council The closer we work for parish and families, the more there will be growth.
- I am asking each Knight of Michigan to reflect upon the Gospel call that comes to him to be a true evangelizer not only in the world, but primarily at the Parish level. Each Knight should consider a ministry at the parish into which the Lord has given him natural talent. He will then offer himself to the Pastor for his affirmation of that gift. I especially would expect to see our Knights involved in the critical areas of Religious Education of children and youth. This ministry would require not only the approval of the Pastor, but the essential training in Protection of Young People, affirming our commitment to protect our youth. Our young people need to have and need to see models of godly men of faith to which virtue they may aspire. We are men ripe to fulfill that role. I am encouraging all Council and State events to not have gatherings or meetings on Sunday that could draw Knights and their families away from their parish Eucharist. Let such meetings follow, in as many meetings as is possible, their essential Eucharistic participation in the parishes.
Much of this energy should flow from the family, an institution under attack in our world, and to which we as Knights must dedicate ourselves. Knights need time with their families. Grand Knights, please do whatever you can to bring good order to Council meetings so that the agenda may be completed in a timely fashion. God’s attribute of fatherhood is our model and must not be taken from us for any reason or failure in the past to live up to that goal. Ideally the Domestic Church can be said to be the family, fully alive, man, woman and children. A Knight’s responsibility is to create that environment with his wife in the home and be a reflection of it in all aspects of his life.
- In the past, our charity has been given, in the most part, to our individual regions. The Supreme Council has always been in the forefront for acts of charity in the times of disaster and crisis. This has been the hallmark of our Order and within the spirit of the Founder. This year Supreme has asked us to reflect upon, pray for and financially support in charity the suffering Christians in the Middle East, who are in serious danger of genocide. Their disappearance from the scene of the Middle East is not only immoral and depraved, but would end a direct link with Christ, they whose ancestors knew the Lord, and whose evangelistic zeal spread the faith in the early Church down to our age.
I ask my brother Knights to begin an initiative in each Council in support of The Christians of the Middle East. This could be financial, but also vigorous prayer and a serious education to all Knights about the situation. With the support of the local pastor this education could be provided to parish members as well.
- I am asking the Diocesan Chaplains to contact all Council Chaplains in their Dioceses to announce to them these new initiatives and to assure them of our support. All priests, in their parish planning, should experience Knights not as proposers of projects, but as partners in the implementation of the pastor’s plans as he directs. I wish to see an end to the false vision of Knights as a club of men with an agenda of their own, which they bring to the pastor to add to his vision. I wish to see an end of Knights being seen as a men’s social club in the district and not being the pastor’s right arm. I wish to see an end of the experience of any Council without a fully participating Chaplain. I ask each District in Michigan to have at least one Clergy Appreciation event each year. This and other such activities, such as a strong participation in the RSVP, our seminarian support program, show our dedication to our priests and how we see them as critical to our faith lives, and critical to our Eucharistic lives.
Is it too much for me to hope and propose such an implementation of the vision of our Supreme Knight and the enthusiastic support of our Michigan bishops can be implemented in our Michigan jurisdiction in the very near future? We may scratch our heads and either ask why our numbers have lost over 3000 Knights in recent years, or why more men are not coming to join us. Brother Knights, we must be seen to be believed. The ideal place to be seen is in the parish, as we dedicate ourselves and our families to the Domestic Church! May the ongoing Year of Mercy be a blessing to you, and as a Priest of Mercy, I ask you to dedicate your works and the implementation of the aforementioned initiatives as signs of the mercy of God, a mercy that will return to you many times over as men of the family!
Vivat Jesus et Domesticam Ecclesiam!
Rev. William J Turner, PhD, KCHS
State Chaplain
D Remeika
~ Corporate Communion Updates ~
August 19th, 2016
The Corporate Communion page under the 12985 tab was upgraded today. This upgrade included removing the August CCM information and adding in the upcoming November schedules. You can both view online, and also click onto the “print” link and print a copy. For those that may not be aware, Brother Ron Spoelhof has been appointed our councils Corporate Communion Mass Leader. Please coordinate all additions and subtractions from the posted schedule through Ron. He can be contacted via the following;
TELEPHONE: 231.286.2421
EMAIL: [email protected]
A couple of things to add here. As part of our Quarterly Corporate Communion Masses, we are now recognizing our councils “Family of the Quarter” and our “Knight of the Quarter”. We are also presenting to Father Peter, the checks for the various Parish Ministries we as a council have budgeted to support.
Thanks to all of you for your continued support of our Masses. Our Parish loves seeing so many of us there and showing our involvement and support.
~ Site Upgrades ~
August 11th, 2016
I’ve just completed a major upgrade to our councils website, bringing it more inline with other Knights websites. The top menu area has been greatly reduced at the parent level and many items revamped and moved to child levels. Please feel free to stroll over the pages and get familiar. Also, if there is something you would like to see added that will benefit our council, please drop me an email at [email protected]. I will do my best to add it in.
~ Family / Knight of the Quarter –
August 7th, 2016 @ Our Lady of Assumption Rothbury
Celerated with our Council Chaplain Fr. Peter Omogo & Visiting Nigerian Priest Fr. Isaac
~ Corporate Communion Mass – OLA – 160807 ~
World Youth Day
Knights of Columbus Supreme Release
Monday, August 8th, 2015
We are going through a site restructuring which will bring our council site more in line with the other Knights sights. Please take a few minutes to breeze around from page to page, and drop me an email with your thought on the upgrade. I look forward to hearing your reviews and recommendations – J. Duff, Webmaster http://[email protected]
Knights Of Columbus Supreme Convention – 2016-08-02 – Knights Of Columbus 134th Supreme Convention
Funeral Video
Friday, July 22nd, 2016
So very sad to receive the news late yesterday of the passing of our beloved retired Pastor, Father Donn Tufts. His dedication to the faith and building of the church will be greatly missed. For now we have no information on funeral arrangements, but will post both here and on the Parish website as soon as we receive them. Please keep Father Donn and all his loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. May perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul rest in peace…
- WHEN: Monday, July 25th, 2016 – 3:00 PM
- WHERE: St. James Catholic Church Saint James Catholic Parish – Montague, MI
- VISITATION: Monday, July 25th, 2016 – 1-3pm, St. James Catholic Church, Narthex.
- INTERMENT: Following services in Elbridge. Not certain at this point if private of public. Will advise further on this when information is available.
- Father Donn was a member of the Fourth Degree Order of the Knights of Columbus plus the past Chaplain of Council 12985. We are attempting to line up the Color Corp. to serve as a sentinel at his visitation, plus several at his services. Link: Fr. Donn Obituary
- A lunch will follow the services…..
Rev. Father Philip Salmonowicz
Brothers – Many of you are aware of the recent passing of Father Phil Salmonowicz. The loss of two local Priest has placed a great degree of stress and demand of the remainder of our Priest and our Catholic Communities. Please keep all of our Catholic communities in your thoughts and prays, and add Father Phil to the list. May perpetual light shine upon him and may the soul of Father Phil rest in peace. Here is a link to his complete obituary.
– Tuesday July 26th –
Bishop Baraga Assembly – 4th Degree
Our council will be hosting the Bishop Baraga Assembly of the 4th Degree Tuesday, July 26th in the St. James Parish Hall. Please all 4th Degree Knights, please consider attending. We will be supplying the supper and also need to setup the hall for this.
– Monday, July 18th, 2016 –
Brother Knights;
I received the following email last night from Brother Tyler Cumings mother Lynnette, and wanted to share this with all of you. It is a very strong example of what good Knights do. I as your Grand Knight want to extend my personal thank you and the appreciation from our council to Council 1300 in Big Rapids. The following is what I received from Lynnette, and what was sent to their Grand Knight. I encourage any of you desiring to do so, to also send over a thank you. Their Grand Knight is Peter Balanda and his email address is http://[email protected]
As Sent on 07/18/2016
– Monday, July 11th, 2016 –
-Tuesday, June 21st, 2016 –
THE HOLY FAMILY ICON: Today I traveled to Prince of Peace and celebrated with the the Mass and Rosary of the Icon. After doing so, the Icon was presented to me to bring to St. James for our display and celebration over the next week. The Icon was set up in the Chapel, and Father Peter will celebrate Mass Wednesday morning for the Icon. This Icon was commissioned and sent out to circulate by Pope Francis. We are very fortunate to have been chosen to host this. From St James it will move next week to Fremont.
– Saturday, June 11th –
This morning several of us came together to help get the Parish Volleyball Pit put back together and readied for it’s planned opening on the 26th of this month. I’d like to thank brother Jason Zwart for showing up solely a few days ago and tilling up the complete pit. This must be done annually to make it possible to play on the pit without injury.
Next I would like to thank brothers, Terry Baker, Kevin Munson, and Jason Zwart for showing up this morning. It was hot out there even at 9 a.m., but within an hour, the net was up, the boarders placed, and the tables down and setup. We noticed the tables are in rough shape and could use some painting. If anyone is looking for a project and can paint, please contact me at [email protected]. I will get you the needed supplies to get this done. Thanks again to all that have helped get this project completed.
John Duff – DGK 12985
– Sunday, June 5th, 2016 –
Tonights Business Meeting was the final hosting of our current Grand Knight Kodi. We as a council were fortunate to have hosted the youngest Grand Knight in the State of Michigan. Kodi even though busy with his school studies and other demands, did his best and for the most made every meeting over these past two years. Please join me in thanks Kodi for his support and dedication to our council. He steps down as Grand Knight, but continues his support to this council as our new Recorder.
On other news, we had the first reading of our 2016 budget. The 1st reading was passed and it moves to the 2nd reading which will take place at our June 10th Business meeting.
A request for help has gone out for getting the Parish Volleyball Pit setup for the 2016 season. As many as possible are asked to help get this done on the morning of Saturday the 11th, at 9a.m. Hope to see a few good Knights show up and help…
John Duff – DGK 12985
– Thursday, May 26th, 2016 –
Today, with a group of fellow Knights, we came together and re-did the Knights Garden located in front of St. James Catholic Church. I’d like to thank brothers Steve Nagengast, Jason Zwart, Dave Sipka, Ron Spoelhof and Mike Angeleri for setting aside the time to complete this project. Along with this, we also helped remove wood chips from 6 stump holes in the cemetery and fill in the holes. Great job guys. Please know your council and your church community is very thankful and proud of you…
John Duff – DGK 12985
– Saturday, May 14th, 2016 –
MAJOR DEGREE – Jim Dingman and myself drove to Gaylord today with our candidate Jason Zwart and helped get him though the 2nd and 3rd degree. We left at 6:30am and returned to Whitehall around 7pm. With the completion of the 3rd degree for Jason, we are now able to appoint him to Supreme for the position of Financial Secretary. Congratulations to Jason on obtaining this level. We were impressed with how you conducted yourself through the process…
John Duff – DGK 12985
– Wednesday, May 11th, 2016 –
QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER – Just to update all of you, we are in the early stages of resurrecting and facelifting our councils “Quarterly Newsletters”. We’ve been playing with some new formats very friendly to use and hope to be able to release our first addition sometime mid July to early August. I’ve circulated some samples to several of of officers, with very positive response back. The primary point of this Quarterly Newsletter will be to have a form of media capable of reaching our brothers without email. The plan will be to email a copy to all with email addresses, and snail mail a hard copy to those without email. That ends up being around 30 members per quarter. We will try to keep all of you posted on this site as we develop this renewed tool…
John Duff – DGK 12985
– Monday, May 2nd, 2016 –
COUNCIL BLOOD DRIVE: Our council will be hosting another BLOOD DRIVE, on Monday the 2nd of May over in the hall at Saint Mary’s of the Woods, Lakewood. A big thank you goes out to all those helping to make this a very successful event, and to all the donors that come up and support the endless blood supply needs. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you…
– Sunday, May 1st, 2016 –
6:00 P.M. – Council Officer’s Meeting – St. James, Room #3
7:00 P.M. – Council Membership Meeting – St. James, Room #3 [AGENDA]
– Saturday, April 30th, 2016 –
CORPORATE COMMUNION MASS: We have a Council Mass scheduled today, Saint James Catholic in Montague at the 5:00 p.m. Mass today. Please refer to the Corporate Communion Page via this site for scheduling information. One side note – NO TUX for this Mass. We have a Council steak fry following the Mass and don’t want the tux to get damaged.
FISH FRY APPRECIATION DINNER: Immediately following today’s Corporate Communion Mass, our council is hosting and appreciation dinner for all those that volunteered their time helping to make this year’s fish fry a very big success. A big thank’s to all of you that gave so freely of your time and talents…
– FISH FRY 2016 –
We’ve ended another successful year with our council’s annual Lenten Fish Fry. This was our very first year taking over total operations from the Parish and running ourselves as a council. I want to give special thanks to Tom & Carol Bart for their dedication and coordination of making this event happen. The two of you really poured in time and talent, offering several successful upgrades. Thank you for all that you did and continue to do.
I would like to also extend a big thank you to our auxiliary, to all of our volunteers, the cracker mixers, the desert team, the breaders, the fryers, servers. To those bussing tables, serving desserts, drinks and the youth teams. To the cleaning team Saturday morning. To the counters and any others possibly miss. I had no clue on exactly all that needed to happen to host our weekly dinners. All of you did outstanding and we as an organization are grateful.
Below are our numbers recorded this years. Now just waiting for all the bills to arrive and be paid….

January 2016
– Niki Snowdin Obituary –
– Annual Council Spelling Bee 2015 –

November 1st, 2015
November 1st, 2015 – Just prior to the start of the Knights Corporate Communion Mass, a special service was held, transferring a special Chalice over from the Fremont Council, to “Our Lady of White Lake” Chaplin, Fr. Peter Omogo. This Chalice originated in Bay City Michigan. It is inscribed with the names of four deceased members of their council and is being passed from council to council with intentions of travel over seas. Fr. Peter has been asked to accept this Chalice and transport it with him to his home Parish in Nigeria.
Saturday, October 24th, 2015 – 6 p.m.
….. Saint James Parish Hall …..

Tickets are on sale in the St James Narthex after each of the Masses this weekend. Cost per ticket is once again $10.00 each. All are welcome to join in on the good food, fun and fellowship of the evening. Hope to see many of you there…
The Annual KC Steak Fry was a big success in 2015 and below are a few shared pictures to enjoy and remember…–


– —

Our 2016 Fish Fry is just around the corner. The Knights of Columbus thank you for everything you did to make our 2015 Fish Fry an outstanding success!
The 2016 Fish Fry will begin on Friday February 12th and continue the next 5 weeks ending on Friday March 18th. No Fish Fry on Good Friday.
Everyone is warmly invited to work in their old areas or to try new jobs. Please welcome any St. James, Our Lady of the Assumption, St. John’s parishioners, their friends, neighbors, Catholic or non to participate in helping our community by returning 100% of every dollar made!!! Attached is a schedule. Please review and look up your job(s) from past years and help to ensure we listed everyone on the roster. Please email to [email protected] any corrections, add on’s, etc. along with the week(s) you are available to volunteer by November 16, 2015. The sharing of our time and talents is a huge part of our Catholic faith. Thank you for your past generosity. Our White Lake community is so much better for it.
Thank You!
We are proud to announce that a new Knights of Columbus produced documentary film on Our Lady of Guadalupe begins airing across the country this Sunday on ABC affiliated stations. Narrated by actor Jim Caviezel, Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message paints a comprehensive and inspiring picture of the history, facts, legacy and continued relevance of Our Lady of Guadalupe throughout the western hemisphere and beyond. The airings are presented as part of ABC’s Visions and Values Series and have a broadcast window from Oct. 11 to Dec. 10.
Over the course of four days in December 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to an indigenous convert named Juan Diego. Most experts and historians affirm that more than any other, this event, and the image miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego’s tilma (cloak), has resulted in the mass conversion of millions of Native Americans to the Catholic faith. The message of Our Lady of Guadalupe helped to build bridges between the two worlds and began the transformation of our continent. Her appearance compelled people and cultures to unite under her mantle of compassion and charity in a way that didn’t exist before. Through her intercession, then and now, Americans have found a deep sense of common faith, hope and identity.
Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message brings this remarkable history to life through modern reenactments, 3D animations of the mysterious image which allow viewers an unprecedented glimpse into the intricacies of the centuries-old wonder and interviews with leading theologians, historians and experts on the scientific inquiries into the story. The film delves into the inexplicable existence of the image on Juan Diego’s tilma, the mystery found in her eyes and unveils breaking new anthropological insights into the symbols that spoke directly to the hearts of the indigenous people.
For more information about the film, including broadcast times and the DVD release, visit www.guadalupethefilm.com or follow the hashtag #guadalupethefilm.
Brother Knights – Bringing you current of council form completion and council status. Today I sat down and devoted several hours gathering information and completing Council Forms MI-01, MI-18, and MI-20. With this, our council is on track and looking favorable in the eyes of the state. I want to put out a hearty thanks to those of you that have and continue to support the food drives through the parish and our council blood drives. It’s the little things that happen that stack up and build us to be the strong council we are. Thank you again for all that so many of you do to make 12985 the council we are...
Worthy Brother Knights,
Our total collections this year came to $2950.85, with a small handful of Canadian coins not included. Great work everyone! All money is deposited and a check for the State Council is cut and our worthy FS will get it sent out today.
I will be out of town until Oct. 7, at which time I will resume my check writing. Again, thanks to all who made this year’s drive another success!
Bro George
We the members of “Our Lady of White Lake”, Council 12985 of the KofC would like to welcome our recent transfer back from the Hart Council to ours, Brother Knight Richard Alversteffer.
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